Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Non-Mom Flats

Now that I have retired from the glorious world of being a pod dwelling, heel wearing drone and now spend my days entertaining a's time to spruce up and revamp the ol' wardrobe. I'd like to have an unlimited cash flow to do this but unfortunately my husband is not on board with draining our life's savings for me to look fabulous on a daily basis for our neighbors and baby. I was hoping to be that Kourtney Kardashian Mom that strolls my baby around and runs errands in 4" heels. Guess what? Not happening. I cannot play house wearing much as my husband would like for this to's not happening. Flats are a necessity. Oh God! It's true, I said it, comfort and functionality are winning! Not only do I NEED flats but I WANT flats. Who am I?

Here's my problem with flats, they aren't hot. So there. Flats are momish. I don't want to look momish. I want to look like the Nanny. The other crappy part about flats is that they are just as expensive as bad ass heels. In what universe does that make sense? I digress, let's continue, so I'm on the prowl for some non Mom flats that don't cost the same as a sexy pair of Christian Louboutin pumps. 

So on my quest to find non-Mom, non bank breaking flats here is what I've found.   
Banana Republic has some amazingly comfortable shoes! If you think Banana is only for boring business attire, think again my friend. Their pumps are just as comfortable as their flats....there I go about the damn heels again. The only problem is that they are still running in the $120 range, which is ridic in my opinion. The good news is  Banana Republic is great about running really good sales. So, 40% off my full price item and I'm off with a comfortable pair of non Mom flats. Holla!

Believe it or not, I love Target for flats ,not for heels, just for flats and that's totally my personal opinion and it may change. I've just never been a fan of Target shoes that involve a heel, they look like they are adult size Barbie shoes/just made of cheap plastic. The deal is you are going to find a way better selection online than in stores. Flats are typically in the $20 range and THAT is what I'm talking about. 
Zappos is always a good bet for a great variety and wide price range. You can find anything from Paul Smith fabulousness for $400 (but who in their right mind spends a cool $400 on flats? Seriously.) to Rocket Dog leopard ballerina flats for $39.99. C'mon.

In summation: flats will never be sexy so why spend a ton of money on them? Besides, full price is for suckers, especially when we're talking $400 for FLATS! But, I along with all other fashion loving citizens beg you: Please, please, please, do not ever wear Crocs, even if they are free. Crocs are for children...if that.  I just imagine that there were a couple bottles of tequila involved in that decision to make Crocs in adult sizes. 


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